How to Start a Blog and Make $1000+ Per Month?

Do you love writing?

Do you want to share your experiences with global readers?

If yes, blogging would be the best option you could choose as your career. Earning money by following your passion doesn't mean you have to stay stuck to the strict 9-6 office hours.

Advancing technology has winged up millions of people globally. One can now easily earn a pretty sum of passive money just by following up on their passion. The trending world has brought everything online now.

Whether it is about searching for a perfect electronic gadget or it is about exploring the knowledge about any product or services, the internet is serving as a greater platform to explore all.

One just has to make perfect use of their skills to initiate their journey with blogging. The best thing about blogging is that you don’t need to have any professional degree for continuing with it.

Only a good knowledge of language, tools, techniques, hard work and dedication are quite enough to make your blogging career successful. But, it is not so easy for anyone to get started with this wonderful platform randomly. A minor mistake would be quite enough to ruin your blogging experience at any time. 

How to Start a Blog to Make Money Online?

If you are also willing to start your blogging career and want to make $1000+ per month through blogging, this guide is going to be a great help for you. The guide is designed to help newbies who don’t know where to start their blogging journey.

Step 1: Select a suitable blogging platform

The very first thing one needs to have while starting up the blog is to select a blogging platform you want to get started with. If you search online you can easily find a large number of blogging platforms out there in the market.

Finding out the best platform is not so difficult now. You can easily check the online and offline reviews of any platform for checking out its trustability. WordPress is one of the leading blogging platforms, the majority of the bloggers trust.

In fact more than 37% of the websites across the globe are being powered by this wonderful platform only.

Rather than trying your hands on the different ones, we prefer you to check out the WordPress for initiating your blogging platform. It is a self-hosted platform that will offer great ease of usage over a wide range of plugins.

Step 2: Find out the niche of your blog

A blog is incomplete without a niche. Niche decides the topics that you are going to write for your blog. So, make sure that the niche you are going to start up for your blog is much familiar to you and also well fulfill the demands of people on the web.

Jacking up all the trade simultaneously is something that is going to backfire you. Even Google and other major search engines also prefer a website or blog built on a single topic.

If you are a newbie, finding out the niche for your blog is going to be quite hectic for you. Worried? Just relax. Follow on the tips mentioned below to get the best possible help.

  • ●       Make sure to find a topic for your blog you are well familiar. It will help you in finding more and more titles for your blog and will help you in proceeding your blog successfully.
  • ●       Try to find out a trending and interesting topic so that it can easily gain huge traffic towards your blog successfully.
  • ●       Having a niche of your keen interest will help you in adding values with your insight.
  • ●       If you are a newbie, and so many options are confusing your state of mind, note down the different topics in different columns and then try to write at least five post ideas for all.
  • ●       Now find out which niche or topic seems to be more interesting and more familiar to you and decide it as your blog niche.

Step 3: Decide about the Domain Name

The domain name also decides the future of your blog. A domain name is the URL of your blog that one uses for opening up a blog or website. Make sure the domain name you are going to choose is easy to remember and one can type it easily without any hassle. Also, the brand name should be easily pronounceable and seems to be brandable.

  • ●       A custom domain name can help you in grabbing more and more traffic towards your website very conveniently. If still, you have some confusion in your mind, just check out the tips given below.
  • ●       .com and .org domain names are quite common and are being used by most of the leading bloggers globally
  • ●       The domain name you are going to choose should be easy to pronounce and type
  • ●       The domain name needed to be quite easier to understand and doesn’t create confusion anywhere
  • ●       Just restrict your domain name to about 12 characters

Once you have decided your domain name you can check out the Bluehost domain suggestion features to check out the availability of your domain name. The entire process is quite simple and easy to go in.

You just have to enter any word you have picked up for your blog and then it will provide the related suggestions for you. One can apply for a domain name under his or her name also.

Step 4: Select a suitable hosting for your blog

Once you have successfully selected a suitable domain name for your blog, the next thing you have to work on is the selection of hosting for your blog. Web hosting is the place where WordPress is installed. It is a server that is going to store all of your blog images, design, and content and will help you in keeping your blog online 24*7.

One can easily find out a wide range of hosting platforms online. Make sure to check out the pricing and your preferences about the hosting platform before finalizing your decision.

It usually takes some time to grow a blog or business website, so we prefer you to check out the basic plans so that it can value your efforts. Once your blog starts working perfectly, you can simply opt for the higher options later on.

Bluehost is one of the leading web hosting platforms that is currently used by millions of customers globally. It offers users wonderful features like:

  • ●       Live Chat Support
  • ●       Free SSL
  • ●       Unlimited storage and bandwidth
  • ●       Free Domain Name
  • ●       Live Chat Support

If you are willing to access Bluehost for your blog, the things you have to do are:

● Launch your web browser and then move ahead with the Bluehost option.

● Tap on the Get Started Now button and once done select the Bluehost plan you are willing to go with. As you are a newbie, we prefer you to go with the basic plan.

● Next claim for your domain name and if you are not ready to go with the domain name yet, you can tap on the Choose Later option.

● A new window page will appear on your home screen. Fill up your contact information very carefully and then check out the plan extras so that you could access the best out of it.

● Uncheck everything except Domain Privacy Protection.

● Now go to the payment options section and select the payment option you are willing to go along with.

● Once done with the payment, your blog will be successfully created just within a few minutes. Your blog will be installed automatically once you have successfully purchased the hosting and domain name. You can now easily work on this cool stuff without any hassle.

Step 5: Set up your blog

Once your blog has been successfully installed, the very first thing you have to do is to write a suitable post for your blog. To ensure successful setting up of your blog and its perfect branding make sure that it is having suitable content and perfect SEO options.

Step 6: Work on the designing of your blog

It seems to be very annoying or boring to see an uncustomized or poorly themed blog. Designing is the most important aspect of a blog that helps in grabbing the attention of the readers towards it. No one is going to remember your blog until it is having some features or customized options.

Let’s make it simpler for you. We all see or use to interact with a large number of things regularly. But do we remember all of them? Surely not. The only things succeed in be in our memories for a longer run that has some unique features. The same formula runs behind the success of a blog also.

More attractive your blog seems to be, more are the chances that it will attract more visitors towards it. If you have created a blog or website with WordPress, you will have the chance to choose “WordPress Themes” for customizing your blog or website.

Some of the best theme providers are:

  • ●       ThemeForest
  • ●       MyThemeShop
  • ●       AstraTheme
  • ●       Genesis

These themes are generally readymade designs that once can easily select for their different blog posts. WordPress provides its users with a large number of free and premium theme options.

If you are willing to have a better response, we prefer you to go with the premium themes. The premium themes of WordPress come up with better support and starter guide and help in improving the quality of your blog perfectly.

Step 7: Check out the WordPress Plugins

Plugins are the resources that enable one’s website or blog to do the thing they usually don’t able to. It is the way to extract the best out from a blog. One can easily find out a large number of WordPress plugins in the market.

Just make sure to go through the different features involved in a plugin and then compare these with your preferences before finalizing your decision. You can easily add a large number of plugins to your blog or website.

The introduction of so many plugins can backfire you also. So, make sure to have the basic plugins installed on your blog and then try to use only those that can work for growing your blog.

The leading WordPress Plugins that can provide you the reliable results are:

  • ●       Yoast SEO
  • ●       ShortPixels
  • ●       W3 Total Cache
  • ●       Autoptimize
  • ●       Wordfence Security
  • ●       Contact Form 7
  • ●       WP
  • ●       ThirstyAffiliates

Step 8: Plan your blog content

Once you have done with the selection of all of the basic needs of a blog i.e. domain, host, or plugin, next you have to add content into your blog. If we are writing content, it doesn’t mean that we are asking you to add your first blog post.

Before proceeding with it, you need to make a content plan and then have to work on it accordingly. Use a platform like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets for making a copy board and then mention the outline of the content or the list of content you are going to proceed further with.

Once you have successfully done with the selection of the final list try to write down the contents serial-wise and make sure to check in those you have done already.

Step 9: Get ready with your first blog post

Once you have done with the entire process, the real fun for the first blog post starts. Writing up a blog post is not so difficult. But if you are a newbie and don't have any idea to go with, you are going to face some.

Blogging is all about sharing your thoughts or ideas with others. The blog post you are going to write in should be quite interactive and should have the capability of grabbing the attention of millions of readers out there.

We prefer you to write the blog posts in a conversational tone. Such blog posts seem to be much interesting to the readers; they usually prefer to read these till the end. It would be more effective if you are using a first-person tone throughout the blog such as “I” or “You”.

The blog you are going to write about should include all of the related topics. For example, if you are writing about some particular location, the blog should include its specialties, customs, atmosphere, temperature, looks, and other things.

Photos and videos help a blog to be more interactive. Such options can easily grab the attention of a larger audience. Rather than copying photos and videos from Google, we prefer you to go choose the different sites for downloading these images for free.

You can also attach the videos from YouTube by crediting the main author also.

Step 10: Don’t forget to add the main pages of your blog

A blog is incomplete about its introduction or different other related pages. Before landing your first blog post, we prefer you to write down the different related pages such as About page, Contact page, Media Kit page, Privacy Policy page, Disclaimer page, Disclosure page, and Terms and Conditions, etc.

Step 11: Drive traffic toward your blog

Once you have done with all of the basic accessories of a blog and your first blog post is also live, next, you need to work on driving traffic towards your blog. You need to work on the SEO segment so that your blog post seems to be visible on Google search. You can take the help of a link building specialist for off-page SEO. 

Step 12: Make use of social media platforms

Once you have noted down your first blog post, the next thing you have to do is to grow it efficiently. Being social is an essential thing that can help you in growing your blog post efficiently rapidly.

For socializing your blog post, you can make use of Facebook Page, Instagram accounts, Twitter accounts, and different other resources. You can easily create a community on such platforms here and can ask people to join it.

Once you will get an efficient chain of people, the chances of increasing readers to your blog also get raised.

Step 13: It’s time to make money from blogging

Blogging opens up the paths of success for everyone. It is one of the most effective methods to start earning passively just in the comfort of your own home.

Once you start earning an efficient amount of readers towards your blog you can easily use different resources such as Google AdSense, Amazon Affiliate Program, Sponsored Content, Direct Ad Sales, and much more for starting earning from it.

Step 14: SEO is the key

A blog can’t work efficiently until you are having suitable SEO support for it. SEO is the advanced key that helps the search engines to drive more targeted traffic for it and that through organic search.

SEO comprises three different parts and these are On-page SEO, On-site SEO, and Off-Site SEO.

● The On-Page SEO depends upon the quality of the content, the keyword placement in it.

● The On-Site SEO requires indexing of your website and crawling.

● Backlinks from other sites are the main part of the Off-Site SEO.

● Social media serves as the main platform for improving the ranking of any blog. It is the key asset that helps in grabbing the attention of more and more readers towards your blog.

● Despite using other social media platforms Google Plus is trending most these days.

● Work for improving the user experience of your readers so that they would prefer to check in your website or blog again for any information.

For improving your user experience, you have to work on things like navigation, site loading, website design, and readability also.

Step 15: Don’t forget the detailing

Detailing is the main difference between any normal blog and a good blog. If you are willing to make your blogging career massively successful and are willing to earn some regular readers towards your website, make sure to work on every single detail.

One needs to work on different tools and techniques to take his or her blogging career to the next level.

Towards the Success

Blogging is not only the way to fulfill your passion but is also a greater source of earning some passive income successfully. It is the best thing one could do for earning money just by sharing his/her ideas with others.

Starting a blogging career and starting earning money from it is surely not so easy until you are not having a perfect guide for that. We have tried to help you out here through different tips and the detailed process. 

Just make sure to work on every step given above to make your blogging experience amazing. 

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